
Warner Sinback

The interview below is courtesy of the Computer History Museum’s Oral History of Warner Sinback. Warner Sinback was the founder of Information Services within General Electric (GE).

θ;   1Ni=1Nyiμθ(xi)2+log[σθ2(xi)].

Turpissima tamen est iactura quae per neglegentiam fit.1 Et si volueris attendere, magna pars vitae elabitur male agentibus, maxima nihil agentibus, tota vita aliud agentibus.

def fib(n):
    a, b = 0, 1
    for i in range(n):
        a, b = b, a + b
    return a

  1. Fac ergo, mi Lucili, quod facere te scribis, omnes horas complectere; sic fiet ut minus ex crastino pendeas, si hodierno manum inieceris.↩︎

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